Oklahoma Conservation Science at CSR

We all know that bobwhite quail numbers have been in a steady decline for some time now. Although much research has been done, there are few solutions to the problem.

There are several factors which limit quail numbers- weather, predation, and habitat are a few. The two that we can control are predation and habitat. Furbearers play a tremendous role in bobwhite reproduction. Research has proven that intensive predator control has had a positive effect on not only quail reproduction; but also, turkey and deer as well. Consequently, we have constructed a predator-proof fence; thus, completely eliminating one of the main limiting factors.

The second factor that we can control is habitat. We started with the eradication of the foreign fescue and Bermuda grasses. Although costly, it is a must. These introduced plants provide absolutely nothing in the way of nutritive value, nesting cover, or brood-rearing cover. Not only are we working to enhance and perpetuate our native plant communities which are beneficial to quail; but, we also purchased and planted woody cover at a rate of 100 shrubs/1 acre. These plants (i.e.) service berry, forsythia, azalea, low bush blueberry, and choke cherry, provide optimum conditions for escaping avian predators or surviving a severe winter storm.

By providing all the components of a native, warm-season landscape – nesting cover, mid-range woody cover, brood-rearing habitat, a 12 month food source, and proper dispersal of all these- and completely eliminating predation, we have created a virtual bobwhite quail factory!

In short, our approach to quail management is unique to the industry and you, the hunter, are the beneficiary. We do indeed provide the best quail hunting in the nation. When planning your next trip to CSR, just imagine the glory days of quail hunting.